
The inaugural edition of the Yerevan Dialogue will be held on September 9-11, 2024 in Yerevan, Armenia.

The Yerevan Dialogue will serve as a platform bringing together policymakers, academics, civil society, and the private sector to deliberate and devise solutions to critical challenges of our times.

From climate change to conflict, technology to health, the dialogue aims to bring together multi-stakeholders from heads of states to students, and bridge critical gaps in ideation on how to take forward a world going through a tumultuous phase and demanding changes.

This Dialogue brings the world’s debates to Armenia to explore fresh ideas, answers, and opinions.

The Forum is organized around five thematic pillars:

  • The Emerging International Order
  • Connectivity
  • Green Transitions and the Future of Energy
  • Digital Societies as Stable and Safe Economic Engine
  • The Future of Work
The Emerging International Order: The evolving landscape of global relations and power dynamics, changing political structures and fragile democracies. Crisis of multilateralism and humanitarianism, role of civil society and intercultural dialogue and new global political actors designing a revised world order. 
Connectivity: New transport routes, possibilities and impact on landlocked countries. Current political and economic realities and logistic routes.Means of ensuring access of landlocked countries to a new era of supply chains.
Green Transitions and the Future of Energy: Green transitions are shaping the future of energy by advancing renewable and sustainable sources, addressing climate change, fostering innovation, developing green hydrogen and creating economic opportunities while simultaneously addressing stark climate challenges. New nuclear technologies as an additional way of contribution to climate change and enhancement of energy security.
Digital Societies as Stable, Safe Economic Engines: Digital societies drive main spheres of our life by transforming industries, enabling innovation, and reshaping cultural expressions through widespread adoption of digital technologies from connectivity and governance to public digital infrastructure.
The Future of Work, Movement of People, Talent, and Knowledge. Engagement of Diasporas in the light of new tendencies. The future of work is being redefined by technology, automation, artificial intelligence, changing labour markets, and evolving skills, impacting how and where we work, how this can be shaped for the benefit of all stakeholders in a society.